Wednesday, July 30, 2008

ooo dear, gotta lick up before it goes down the drain

Ha ha this is one of the many pictures taken from the last corgi meet up. She couldn't get enough water it was so hot out. There were a lot of Corgi's there, all types. Even one visiting from Texas! We had so much fun. Can't wait for the next meet up! I'm also excited for this weekend we are starting our first agility class with other corgi's from the southbaycorgi group.

Every night we've been going to meet up with the our neighborhood dogs at the school. It's been really great. Only the night before last, there was this small kid riding his bike by the field and Mochi wanted to check him out. Well the kid started riding his bike and not looking where he was going and looking at Mochi instead. He totally ate it. He didnt' cry but he looked really scared. I felt bad becuase i was running after Mochi trying to get her to stop, and he fell so i kind of feel like it was my fault.
Yesterday i brought treats with me to the school, so that when i told her to come she would come straight toward me. Sure enough, totally worked. So she will only listen to me when i have treat in my pocket i guess. Well at least i can get her attention now instead of running away from me all the time, it gets embarassing anyways when you dog isn't listening to you and you are running after them and you totally like twist your ankle.. oh did i say that? Yeah that totally has happened to me. It's the damn field! I swear there's these hidden holes in the grass you have to watch out for or else down you go!!
Anyways, Mochi and I will keep you guys updated about the agility class! We are soo excited! and I'll post more pictures too!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mochi and her play groups

Mochi & Jelly Bean
Originally uploaded by MsCorgi
This was a picture from last south bay corgi meet up on june 21st. It was so hot we got there around 9am instead of 10 because of the heat wave. She had tons of fun even though it was so hot! It's really great that people bring their nice camera's and take awesome pictures! I can never get Mochi still to get a good shot!

Just This week we've joined some of our neighborhood dogs for a evening romp every days at a local elementary school. There's about 6-7 dogs that come and go after 7:30pm. It's really great because Mochi gets to play with bigger dogs. She actually thinks she is one of the big dogs! She's run after them and try to get them to play with her its so cute! It also gives her a good workout so by the time we get home she's hungry and will actually eat her food.

We've been having troubles with that again... But if we keep her exercised and hungry she'll eventually will eat her food.

Anyways, today this owner brought their dog some kind of Chesapeake retriever. Well we were all there all 6 of the dogs and the owners letting or dogs play with each other, when the guy comes in with his dog and a frisbe. But he doesn't come and ask if he can join or if its ok to let his dog off leash near our dogs. The field is large but not that large, ofcourse the other dogs go over to sniff and want to play with the new dog and the frisbee. The owner doesn't protest, and he eventually joins us and comes over. But then the chesapeake and this other lab mix get into a scuffle. The owner of the chesapeake pins the OTHER lab mix, and yells "get your fucking dog!!" It was true the owner of the lab mix didn't get his dog in a timely manner but i think he was kind of scared. They always say never get into a middle of a dog fight because you will get hurt... But i really don't think it was good for the other owner to pin the other dog down to the point where the dog yelped!!! Well that kind of broke the mood. The "new" owner promptly took his dog back to his house and left us alone. I really hope he never comes back. He actually lives in one of the houses that share a fence with the school, so actually he probably will show up again... But just to mention everytime we walk by that fence he dog is very aggressive to us even when we are just walking by, Mochi never pays attention though, she's a good dog.