Isn't this a cute picture? But it kinda looks like i'm choking her... but really she's just sooo excited to be there. Love her stance though!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Mochi walks the plank
Ha ha i love this photo of Mochi walking the plank. her little paw is like up in the air and she's just marching around. I really appreciate that people bring their cameras and take pictures. I'm always too excited and fumble around and miss the moment when i try to capture anything Mochi does!!
Agility class this month was awesome! She learned to jump through a tire, worked on walking on planks, the pause table, a curved tunnel, and A frame!! It was really cool. I think Mochi had a lot of fun. I probably would say she's the most energetic out of the whole class, and when i mean energetic i'm talking like a parent in denial about their child being ADD, because she TOTALLY is.... And for some reason she's really confident and has no fear, which is great when trying new things but not so great when she tries to run across the street to say hi to passing dog.
We were really spoiled by the Summer hours, she had longer play time in the evening with her other furry friends. But now that summer is coming to an end its kind of a bummer because it get dark so early. It's really hard to rush home try to start dinner and then take Mochi to play all before 7pm. If we go any later she only has 20 min of play because it take about 10 minutes to walk there. So lately we've been skipping the evening meeting with the other neighborhood dogs. And I must admit we are getting more and more lazy with the walks with Mochi. I like to just run across the street to the park in the mornings and let her play in the field now. And actually i guess since the evening are shorter, some of the regulars have been meeting me in the morning for playtime. Which is great but we all feel rushed to get to work... I should keep up the walking regimen anyways because it better for me too. And i'm sure Mochi enjoys that too.
But soon there maybe pictures or videos of a herding trail i'm trying to set up with some of the corgi group. It would be totally fun!!! Ok well we'll keep you updated!!
Agility class this month was awesome! She learned to jump through a tire, worked on walking on planks, the pause table, a curved tunnel, and A frame!! It was really cool. I think Mochi had a lot of fun. I probably would say she's the most energetic out of the whole class, and when i mean energetic i'm talking like a parent in denial about their child being ADD, because she TOTALLY is.... And for some reason she's really confident and has no fear, which is great when trying new things but not so great when she tries to run across the street to say hi to passing dog.
We were really spoiled by the Summer hours, she had longer play time in the evening with her other furry friends. But now that summer is coming to an end its kind of a bummer because it get dark so early. It's really hard to rush home try to start dinner and then take Mochi to play all before 7pm. If we go any later she only has 20 min of play because it take about 10 minutes to walk there. So lately we've been skipping the evening meeting with the other neighborhood dogs. And I must admit we are getting more and more lazy with the walks with Mochi. I like to just run across the street to the park in the mornings and let her play in the field now. And actually i guess since the evening are shorter, some of the regulars have been meeting me in the morning for playtime. Which is great but we all feel rushed to get to work... I should keep up the walking regimen anyways because it better for me too. And i'm sure Mochi enjoys that too.
But soon there maybe pictures or videos of a herding trail i'm trying to set up with some of the corgi group. It would be totally fun!!! Ok well we'll keep you updated!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
make sure she does not fall over, hold her up
Mochi's the one on the right "holding" up one of the corgi parents while they were giving out treats.. yup she'll do anything for a treat... Last Saturday we started agility class. It was fun and intresting... Mostly how this one couple keep denying that their do did any accidents. (he pee'd on the wall and poo'd on the floor inside) She learned to touch a target with her nose, go through a tunnel on command (kind of), sit and down on the platform, and walk on a plank. We only have class every frist saturday of the Month so we have to practice. I"m thinking I should probably get a tunnel and some weave poles since she seems to like the tunnel and i just really want to see her go through the weave poles. Ha ha....
But Mochi hasn't been feeling well these past days. I think she may have picked up a bug (either Giardia or Coccidia) i think maybe from one of the dog's she plays with in the evening or from the agility class. Because the target she had to touch with her nose was this tile square that looked kind of dirty... and not thinking of cleaning it off she had to eat her treats off of it.... Anyways we have to get her tested tomorrow because this weekend she needs to spend the night at the Klub K9. She needes to get better before she goes or else the won't let her stay..
But hopefully she will get tested and get the Med's and have everything cleared up before she has to go to daycare... Anywas...
Mochi and I will keep you updated.. While we practice her agility homework...
But Mochi hasn't been feeling well these past days. I think she may have picked up a bug (either Giardia or Coccidia) i think maybe from one of the dog's she plays with in the evening or from the agility class. Because the target she had to touch with her nose was this tile square that looked kind of dirty... and not thinking of cleaning it off she had to eat her treats off of it.... Anyways we have to get her tested tomorrow because this weekend she needs to spend the night at the Klub K9. She needes to get better before she goes or else the won't let her stay..
But hopefully she will get tested and get the Med's and have everything cleared up before she has to go to daycare... Anywas...
Mochi and I will keep you updated.. While we practice her agility homework...
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
ooo dear, gotta lick up before it goes down the drain
Ha ha this is one of the many pictures taken from the last corgi meet up. She couldn't get enough water it was so hot out. There were a lot of Corgi's there, all types. Even one visiting from Texas! We had so much fun. Can't wait for the next meet up! I'm also excited for this weekend we are starting our first agility class with other corgi's from the southbaycorgi group.
Every night we've been going to meet up with the our neighborhood dogs at the school. It's been really great. Only the night before last, there was this small kid riding his bike by the field and Mochi wanted to check him out. Well the kid started riding his bike and not looking where he was going and looking at Mochi instead. He totally ate it. He didnt' cry but he looked really scared. I felt bad becuase i was running after Mochi trying to get her to stop, and he fell so i kind of feel like it was my fault.
Yesterday i brought treats with me to the school, so that when i told her to come she would come straight toward me. Sure enough, totally worked. So she will only listen to me when i have treat in my pocket i guess. Well at least i can get her attention now instead of running away from me all the time, it gets embarassing anyways when you dog isn't listening to you and you are running after them and you totally like twist your ankle.. oh did i say that? Yeah that totally has happened to me. It's the damn field! I swear there's these hidden holes in the grass you have to watch out for or else down you go!!
Anyways, Mochi and I will keep you guys updated about the agility class! We are soo excited! and I'll post more pictures too!!
Every night we've been going to meet up with the our neighborhood dogs at the school. It's been really great. Only the night before last, there was this small kid riding his bike by the field and Mochi wanted to check him out. Well the kid started riding his bike and not looking where he was going and looking at Mochi instead. He totally ate it. He didnt' cry but he looked really scared. I felt bad becuase i was running after Mochi trying to get her to stop, and he fell so i kind of feel like it was my fault.
Yesterday i brought treats with me to the school, so that when i told her to come she would come straight toward me. Sure enough, totally worked. So she will only listen to me when i have treat in my pocket i guess. Well at least i can get her attention now instead of running away from me all the time, it gets embarassing anyways when you dog isn't listening to you and you are running after them and you totally like twist your ankle.. oh did i say that? Yeah that totally has happened to me. It's the damn field! I swear there's these hidden holes in the grass you have to watch out for or else down you go!!
Anyways, Mochi and I will keep you guys updated about the agility class! We are soo excited! and I'll post more pictures too!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Mochi and her play groups
This was a picture from last south bay corgi meet up on june 21st. It was so hot we got there around 9am instead of 10 because of the heat wave. She had tons of fun even though it was so hot! It's really great that people bring their nice camera's and take awesome pictures! I can never get Mochi still to get a good shot!
Just This week we've joined some of our neighborhood dogs for a evening romp every days at a local elementary school. There's about 6-7 dogs that come and go after 7:30pm. It's really great because Mochi gets to play with bigger dogs. She actually thinks she is one of the big dogs! She's run after them and try to get them to play with her its so cute! It also gives her a good workout so by the time we get home she's hungry and will actually eat her food.
We've been having troubles with that again... But if we keep her exercised and hungry she'll eventually will eat her food.
Anyways, today this owner brought their dog some kind of Chesapeake retriever. Well we were all there all 6 of the dogs and the owners letting or dogs play with each other, when the guy comes in with his dog and a frisbe. But he doesn't come and ask if he can join or if its ok to let his dog off leash near our dogs. The field is large but not that large, ofcourse the other dogs go over to sniff and want to play with the new dog and the frisbee. The owner doesn't protest, and he eventually joins us and comes over. But then the chesapeake and this other lab mix get into a scuffle. The owner of the chesapeake pins the OTHER lab mix, and yells "get your fucking dog!!" It was true the owner of the lab mix didn't get his dog in a timely manner but i think he was kind of scared. They always say never get into a middle of a dog fight because you will get hurt... But i really don't think it was good for the other owner to pin the other dog down to the point where the dog yelped!!! Well that kind of broke the mood. The "new" owner promptly took his dog back to his house and left us alone. I really hope he never comes back. He actually lives in one of the houses that share a fence with the school, so actually he probably will show up again... But just to mention everytime we walk by that fence he dog is very aggressive to us even when we are just walking by, Mochi never pays attention though, she's a good dog.
Just This week we've joined some of our neighborhood dogs for a evening romp every days at a local elementary school. There's about 6-7 dogs that come and go after 7:30pm. It's really great because Mochi gets to play with bigger dogs. She actually thinks she is one of the big dogs! She's run after them and try to get them to play with her its so cute! It also gives her a good workout so by the time we get home she's hungry and will actually eat her food.
We've been having troubles with that again... But if we keep her exercised and hungry she'll eventually will eat her food.
Anyways, today this owner brought their dog some kind of Chesapeake retriever. Well we were all there all 6 of the dogs and the owners letting or dogs play with each other, when the guy comes in with his dog and a frisbe. But he doesn't come and ask if he can join or if its ok to let his dog off leash near our dogs. The field is large but not that large, ofcourse the other dogs go over to sniff and want to play with the new dog and the frisbee. The owner doesn't protest, and he eventually joins us and comes over. But then the chesapeake and this other lab mix get into a scuffle. The owner of the chesapeake pins the OTHER lab mix, and yells "get your fucking dog!!" It was true the owner of the lab mix didn't get his dog in a timely manner but i think he was kind of scared. They always say never get into a middle of a dog fight because you will get hurt... But i really don't think it was good for the other owner to pin the other dog down to the point where the dog yelped!!! Well that kind of broke the mood. The "new" owner promptly took his dog back to his house and left us alone. I really hope he never comes back. He actually lives in one of the houses that share a fence with the school, so actually he probably will show up again... But just to mention everytime we walk by that fence he dog is very aggressive to us even when we are just walking by, Mochi never pays attention though, she's a good dog.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Mochi's best angle
A picture from last months corgi meet up again. I love her little butt in this picture!! It's soo cute!! ha ha
This is another picture from last month's corgi meet up! I must say Mochi totally enjoyed that. And I'm so happy to discover that she's not afraid of the dog parks any more! I really think its because of the doggy day care. A couple weekend ago, I took Mochi to the Saratoga Creek Dog park. It was OK, I just really don't' like it when other dog owners don't pick up after their dogs. Its disrespectful! And since there's that dirt patch that run across the park run, i guess dog owners get lazy and don't want to walk into the dirt to pick up the mess. The one thing i like about that park is, that they have the artificial turf, which is nice for the dogs and doesn't get muddy, unless they run in the dirt area... which then defeats the purpose. We also sent a day at the Los Gatos dog park off of Dell Ave. That was such crap that I've never seen. It was just a big patch of dirt, and no grass...They make the park look so nice but then the dog park is such crap. There weren't any dogs there when we went to go play so we didn't stay very long. The park was nice though. But again we had a run in with an owner that didn't pick up after their dog. The two guys were riding thier bikes, and their little dog goes, and he just keeps riding. The dog was off leash by the way, and the owner doesn't even stop to pick it up! Well I guess there will always be people like that in the world You can't change them only can change yourself. But I think after all the dog parks that we have been to I like the Mountain View Shorline Park the best. It doesn't have grass, but its clean. That's all I want. And BTW I love this action shot of her tongue hanging out of her mouth! I wish I had a nice camera that could take these kind of pictures!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008
What does that sign say?
Can you pick Mochi's Butt out of the line up? Another picture from the Day at the Park with the other Cogis
and they're off...
Recently we joined an online group at yahoo, called the sfcorgi. I guess every 2nd saturday they meet up in San Francisco. But someone had a bright idea to have a south bay meet up since quite a few of us live down here. So Yesterday we took Mochi to meet some Corgi friends!! It was a great turn out like 10+ corgis. It was really cute. And the surprising part was that Mochi wasn't even phased by the dog park situation. Before when we took her to dog parks she would totally freak out and start drooling crazily. But I think ever since we started taking Mochi to Doggy Day Care at the Klub K9 she's changed. Large groups of dogs don't scare her anymore which is soo much better. We can start taking her to doggy parks to play with her other 4 legged friends! Here's an action shot one of the other Corgi parents took of Mochi in Action. She had tons of fun. She was actually allowed to chase the other dogs which she totally loved. At the puppy socials they don't allow chasing. Next time we go I will defiantly bring my camera!
Friday, May 2, 2008
K9 Klub Playcenter
So we decided to board Mochi at K9 Klub Center in Sunnyvale while we vacation. I'm going to miss her so much! But luckily they have a Web cam so you can spy on your dog LOL:
We dropped Mochi off yesterday to see if she would do ok there. I didn't want her to think that once we drop her off there she's never be picked up!! So I dropped her off in the morning, and through out the day i checked on the webcam to see how she was doing. She was doing great! I could see her walking her little butt on and off the camera, playing with other dogs. It was really cute. I think she will be fine when we leave for a week but i will miss her soo much!
After I picked her up, she fell asleep in the car instantly. The whole evening she was being sooo lazy! I didn't even take her for her nightly walk, she was sooo tired. I just let her rest. This morning i could tell she was till tired, she walked really well. Almost right by my side the whole time i only had to correct her a couple of times. Normally she's pulling at the leash like crazy!
I think after we get back from our vacation we'll let Mochi attend more regularly. Its fun for her i think, and plus we get a really tired dog at the end so that's always a plus.

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Quick Update
We haven't posted in a while. We've been busy. Between me traveling for work and keeping up with Mochi's schedule! I'll highlight the things that have happens since.
We found a place to board Mochi while we are gone on vacation in Florida. We chose K9 Klub Playcenter. Their facility was the cleanest from the 2 that we go to for social. And the owner really demonstrates the whole "pack leader" philosophy that is kinda a la Ceaser Milan but not that extreme I guess.
Mochi graduated her puppy class 2 from Sirius Puppy Training. She didn't learn very many new things but she had tons of fun playing with her best friend Hope

For now Mochi will probably be like this for the rest of the day. So we'll update you later!!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Looking for a Mochi sitter
So sometime in May, we will be leaving Mochi to go to Florida. We need to find her a sitter or board her somewhere. We've been looking but it's getting difficult because it either cost a lot or we dont' trust them. But i'm sure we'll figure out something.
So far Mochi's been pretty good with eating her food. Although she didn't eat last night after Puppy Class or this morning. But who knows during puppy class she had A LOT of treats... that's the only way we can keep her attention!
She's the puppy with the ADD the last one on the playground when the trainer says ok call you puppy's back. I'm always the one chasing Mochi around the room. She's definatly in her "teenage" years!!
Mochi was soo excited to go to puppy social on Sunday and to class on Tuesday, she was wiggling and whining, she just couldn't wait to play with Tivo at the social and Hope at class. Both which are much larger dogs than her, but she doesn't mind!
Thank God for socials, because otherwise Mochi would be running around the house like CRAZY with all the pent up energy!
And here's another photo from the beach!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
She finally ATE!!
We were soo relieved this morning, Mochi finally ate her food after our walk!
Yesterday the Vet suggested that we take her to see her immediately because something was defiantly wrong. But i told her she was acting fairly normal and plumbing issues were normal. She told us to monitor it. She also told us that if she threw up over night to immediately take her to the hospital. Which totally freaked us out!!
I was so anxious to get home, to see if she ate yesterday. And of course she didn't. But we hand feed her and she ate about 4 small hand fulls last night. She didn't throw up, it had been the 3 days since food!
Luckily this morning after our walk she was hungry enough just to eat the whole bowl herself! We had to get her started eating it of course. Hand feeding her a bit until she realized food=good, she ate out of the bowl herself.
Hopefully she will be back to normal now. I really wish I could get the Orijen Fresh Fish Kibble for her, i think she would like that best.
But for now, I'm soo happy she finally ate, i don't' have to worry about her anymore!!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Creation of a Monster
So, I think i've officially created a monster... Mochi has been refusing food since Saturday morning. She is expecting something better than what i've given her. On Saturday, I gave her Innova Puppy Food with Cottage Cheese mixed in. She didn't eat it. Then we went to the beach you can read the post below, and she go totally carsick! She was nauseaed the whole night, and Sunday she didn't eat either. I gave her the same Innova and cottage cheese. Just the week before she ate it right up when i gave it to her! Yesterday, i decieded that she needed to change food anyways to get off the puppy food and we went to the pet food store to pick up Evo small bites, and small bites red meat. We picked up the smallest bag, the sample size just to try it out. She ate approx. 3 pieces of kibble the new kind and refused the rest.
At the pet store we asked about changing food and how our puppy seems to be not intrested in her food. The store manager basically said that we've created our own monster. I am quoting her here. She advised that we stop and only give her the dry and just let her be. Mochi will eventually eat the food.
These past few days she's been sooo lathargic! She plays a bit but when she's not playing she just lays there looking at me and i can see in her eyes she's begging me to give her something better that just dry food.
All in all i've created a monster because I used to start feeling bad and gave her table scraps. and Now she won't eat her normal food!!!
At the pet store we asked about changing food and how our puppy seems to be not intrested in her food. The store manager basically said that we've created our own monster. I am quoting her here. She advised that we stop and only give her the dry and just let her be. Mochi will eventually eat the food.
These past few days she's been sooo lathargic! She plays a bit but when she's not playing she just lays there looking at me and i can see in her eyes she's begging me to give her something better that just dry food.
All in all i've created a monster because I used to start feeling bad and gave her table scraps. and Now she won't eat her normal food!!!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter From Mochi
Happy Easter from Mochi! She's still recovering from the Beach trip.. She's done nothing but sleep. But we had some fun in the back yard for a couple of minutes.
Mochi's collection of Bunnies.

This would have been a good picture if my shadow of my head wasn't in the way!!
Mochi and her Bunnies

I guess she didn't like the way i arranged her bunnies..

Mochi's First Trip to the Beach!!
This is Mochi's 1st day at the beach! We decided to go to Newbrighton Beach in Santa Cruz. Poor Mochi got car sick on the way there but, She had fun when she was there. She totally hates the water and will run away from it like her life depends on it. Her eyes get all big and she starts pulling on her leash. She actually pulled the collar off her head trying to get away from the water.

I think next time we go to the beach we won't try to go to Santa Cruz and avoid the 17. It did a number on Mochi Moch, and on the ppl riding in the car!
This is Mochi in her Crate in the back of my car. Poor girl we should have let her sit up with us maybe then she wouldn't have gotten car sick!

She loved the beach as long as she didn't need to go into the water.
"She's a mermaid on the sand"

This is what she spent 2 hours doing. Digging holes. The only place we will allow her to dig. I'm sure she will bring this habit back home with her.

After the car ride home... She was so nauseated last night!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Introducing MOCHI the CORGI!!!!
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