Tuesday, August 5, 2008

make sure she does not fall over, hold her up

Mochi's the one on the right "holding" up one of the corgi parents while they were giving out treats.. yup she'll do anything for a treat... Last Saturday we started agility class. It was fun and intresting... Mostly how this one couple keep denying that their do did any accidents. (he pee'd on the wall and poo'd on the floor inside) She learned to touch a target with her nose, go through a tunnel on command (kind of), sit and down on the platform, and walk on a plank. We only have class every frist saturday of the Month so we have to practice. I"m thinking I should probably get a tunnel and some weave poles since she seems to like the tunnel and i just really want to see her go through the weave poles. Ha ha....
But Mochi hasn't been feeling well these past days. I think she may have picked up a bug (either Giardia or Coccidia) i think maybe from one of the dog's she plays with in the evening or from the agility class. Because the target she had to touch with her nose was this tile square that looked kind of dirty... and not thinking of cleaning it off she had to eat her treats off of it.... Anyways we have to get her tested tomorrow because this weekend she needs to spend the night at the Klub K9. She needes to get better before she goes or else the won't let her stay..
But hopefully she will get tested and get the Med's and have everything cleared up before she has to go to daycare... Anywas...
Mochi and I will keep you updated.. While we practice her agility homework...